Saturday, June 18, 2005

Intro to My Team in Peru

Edwin was my driver for the first two days of the Chachapoyan leg of the trip. He drove Araceli and myself to Lamud, the Quiojta Caves, City of the Dead, and to the Karajia sarcophagus. He took his wagon over the roughest terrain I have been on. I will be writing much more about all of these people and places. This is just a visual introduction.

Edwin the Driver

This is Nelson (left) and Araceli (right) resting after our first day of hiking. Nelson was 28 and Araceli 26 at the time. When Nelson isn't guiding he works on a coffee plantation with his fiance's family. Araceli is an archeologist and accompanies many expeditions doubling as a translator.

Nelson & Araceli resting after first day

This is Nelson's mule that carried our gear through the mountains. I called him Platero.


Juan was Nelson's cousin and came for the first 2 days of the trek. He was a quiet guy and led Platero most of the time.


I was so tired and sick by the time I reached the coast, I completely forgot these guy's names. They drove me for 17 hours straight with stops only for food, fuel, and bathroom. This photo isn't very good because I hadn't eaten a full meal in 3 days, hardly slept the past 36 hours, and had been crapping liquid for days. See you in hell.

Finally Made It


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, you won't see ME in hell . . . but I bet "Don't worry, be happy" and "Shiny, happy people" and "All I wanna do is have some fun" and "Everybody wants to rule the world" play in an eternal loop so that forever is guaranteed to be excruciating, Waterboy!

7/14/2005 8:48 PM  

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