Monday, September 19, 2005


When I'm not massaging I have been typing away for a couple of articles. One is a 5 page spread for Alternative Press, most likely for the Nov issue. The second is a small piece for Chord magazine. Both are about the Dillinger tour. I will be working on a third in the next couple of days. I got my first photo assignment from DC Style magazine. I will be shooting "The 25th Anniversary with National Dinner Honoring Julian Bond and Cyndi Lauper." I am still figuring out a photo shoot for the Washington Wizards Dance Team. I spoke to the Arch Bishop a couple of weeks ago and he said the project is a go. He spoke to the Patriarch in Syria who has approved us for three weeks in the spring. I am in the process of putting together a budget proposal and plan to have a second meeting in the near future. On top of all this I get married in 5 weeks! Jenny and I just got our wedding bands today. We are going to Costa Rica for our honeymoon. I'll write full details later. I rode my bike 28 miles today and need to sleep now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a boring life


9/24/2005 5:57 PM  

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