Sunday, March 05, 2006

Let's Do This!


I update my flickr site with some photos from my trip to turkey four years ago. Click the link on the side bar to the check them out.


1. Jenny and I are driving a laser to Latrobe, PA tomorrow turning around and coming home. Thank you.
2. I quit my job at Natural Body Day Spa on Saturday and will start a new job at Klinger Advanced Aesthetics in April. (Details to
3. I fly to Syria on Friday returning to DC on the 19th getting home @ 6 pm and leaving at 19 hours later for Mexico with Jenny
5. I come from Mexico and start the new job

See you in the PIT!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI! I'm from Latrobe, PA. I just thought that was funny. Was it a killer lazer to kill aliens?

3/07/2006 8:15 AM  
Blogger shelbot said...

It was really 4 years ago? Wow...

3/07/2006 11:56 PM  

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