Thursday, July 14, 2005


I have been incredibley busy the past two weeks. My Syria project is developing into something far larger than I expected. I am meeting with the Archbishop of the Syrian Orthodox Church on Monday in Teaneck, NJ to discuss my ideas and how to move forward from here. I have also spoken to the Smithsonian a couple of times and they expressed high interest in the project. When my proposal is done I'll post a copy of it. This week, aside from working, I have been assembling my photo portfolio.

I have tons of news but need to wait a couple of days to see what i'll be doing over the next month or so. I'll post news as I find out. Time to sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Maverick!

I feel the hysteria . . . the hysteria for Syria!

As for any butterflies that may be in your guts about your latest assignment, just remember what Viper said: 'A good pilot is compelled to always evaluate what's happened, so he can apply what he's learned.'

Have fun buzzing the tower!

(Top Gun anthem plays . . .)

7/17/2005 3:29 PM  

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